Why Is It Important To Get Regular Lab Tests?
Written By: Obi Obadike, CIO of Bloomble, Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert, CFT, SFN, M.S. Founder & CEO – Ethical Inc.
Why is it important to get regular lab tests? Because you want to know the state of your health and you want to prevent any chronic hidden diseases that could potentially permeate inside your body.
A lab blood test will examine the physiological and pathological state of your health. One of the most amazing things about blood is it tells you so much about your health such as the function of your organs such as your kidney or liver, how your current diet is working internally in your body. And the functioning of your metabolism as it applies to your body.

- Foods you are allergic to
- If you are micronutrient or macronutrient deficient
- Evaluate the amount of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.
- It will literally breakdown what you need more of to be healthy and what you are consuming just from a simple lab blood test
A lab blood test is considered the most accessible preventive health tool to determine how well your organs are performing or functioning. Do you know that a simple potassium count through a lab blood test can assess the health of your kidneys? If your potassium count is in the dangerous zone, then you may have kidney disease. This is why you must do regular lab blood tests at least minimally annually and preferably quarterly.
A lab blood test can explain unexpected weight loss or weight gain. When you have unexplained weight loss or weight gain it could potentially be a thyroid disorder issue. And the only way to examine that is through a lab test. A blood test can measure the presence of antibodies to determine any potential autoimmune thyroid disorder health issues.
A lab test can tell you why you are always fatigued or short of breath. Most fatigue issues are common because the individual may be low in iron or have high risk of heart disease. The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood will tell you if you are diagnosed with anemia, (low iron).
A lab blood test can tell what nutrients you are deficient in.
And that test can determine:
Sexual health can be checked through a lab blood test. Blood tests are used to determine sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.
One of the primary risks of heart disease is how high your cholesterol levels are. A blood test can measure your good and bad cholesterol levels.
A blood test can indicate and determine if you have diabetes. It will allow you to find it quickly and try to figure out the best treatment for managing it.
It can also detect if you have blood clotting in your body. A blood clot usually forms in the legs and then eventually breaks loose and travels to the arteries in the lungs. A blood test can determine if the blood clot is in your lungs which can potentially save your life.
One of the biggest reasons why many people are hesitant to do a lab test is not everybody likes being pricked with a needle. But I would say that a little prick or pinch of skin when the needle goes in can single-handedly save your life. How? By finding out the status of your health. That is why it is so important to do a lab test regularly. It is one of the best ways to prevent a chronic disease from occurring or getting worse because it is hidden in your system.
The Bottom Line is a regular lab blood test that is essential for preventive healthcare and needs to be done quarterly and minimally annually.