What Are The 5 Signs You Have Low Cortisol Levels? Leave a comment

What Are The 5 Signs You Have Low Cortisol Levels?

Written By: Obi Obadike, CIO of Bloomble, Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert, CFT, SFN, M.S. Founder & CEO – Ethical Inc.

What are the 5 signs you have low cortisol levels? The medical condition for low cortisol levels is referred to as Addisonian crisis. And this condition is when you don’t produce enough cortisol in response to a high stress circumstance such as an illness or infection. 

Some of the symptoms of low cortisol levels are:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Severely weak
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
What are the 5 signs you have low cortisol levels? Photo credit: iStock- Viktorila Ablohina

 Some of the more traumatic incidents that can potentially trigger Addisonian crisis is a car accident, severe dehydration, stomach flu or virus, an injury leading to physical shock, etc.

What cortisol does it helps your body respond better to stress and it plays an integral role in bone health, immune system response and metabolism of food.

The people that are at the highest risk of obtaining Addisonian crisis also known as low cortisol levels are:

  • Being diagnosed with Addisonian crisis before
  • Damage to the pituitary gland
  • Extreme dehydration
  • Experiencing physical trauma
  • Recently having surgery on the adrenal glands

One of the best ways to determine if you have low cortisol levels or Addisonian crisis is through a cortisol serum test. And this test is a blood test which determines how much cortisol you have in your blood. Also, an ACTH also known as a cosyntropin simulation test where a doctor will check your cortisol levels before and after injection of ACTH.

One of the best ways to treat Addisonian crisis is by taking an injection of hydrocortisone or dexamethasone.

For the most serious situations if Addisonian crisis isn’t treated with immediate attention it can lead to severe shock, coma, seizures, and death, etc.

The Bottom Line is some of the symptoms of low cortisol levels are low blood pressure, fatigue, severely weak, sweating and dizziness. The medical condition that low cortisol levels is referred to as Addisonian crisis.

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